These are policies are for shorter tenures (usually twelve months), but policyholders have the option of renewing them.
1. Health Insurance: Health insurance covers medical and healthcare costs. These policies can be individual policies or group policies. You can also extend coverage to your family.
2. Motor Insurance: Such policies cover two-wheelers, private cars, and commercial vehicles against theft, physical damage from accidents, and natural or man-made calamities. They even cover liabilities arising out of damages/injuries caused to a third party.
3. Travel Insurance: Medical care in others countries is very expensive and contingencies such as baggage loss, passport loss, monetary loss due to pilferage, robbery, natural, man-made calamities etc. can also affect the plans and the finances. These insurance policy ensures the assurance of support in case of unforeseen eventualities.
4. Home Insurance: A home insurance olicy covers your home against losses arising out of fire accidents, weather conditions, theft, amongst others. This insurance includes standalone policies like fire insurance, earthquake insurance, flood insurance etc. to protect your assets.